The Netherlands Police Academy focuses on developing and improving the quality of the police profession. Knowledge and research make an important contribution to this. For both education and practice.
With practice-oriented scientific research we develop knowledge. This knowledge is important and we use it to answer police questions. Our research often deals with current affairs. But we keep an appropriate distance from the daily hustle and bustle of police work.
Every four years, we determine which topics the Netherlands Police Academy researches. Together with the Netherlands Police, we establish the ‘Strategic Research Agenda for the Police’ for this purpose. This agenda enables the Netherlands Police, the Netherlands Police Academy and other research institutes to cooperate better in building knowledge. And ensure that this knowledge filters through to the police organisation. This way, we work together towards the same goal.
For our knowledge function, we collect both scientific and police knowledge. We ensure that this knowledge is current and reliable. And we manage all knowledge and offer it understandably and easily. Important users are police employees, teachers and students. Our information specialists can help them search for certain knowledge.
Police work requires very different knowledge and competencies. As the Netherlands Police Academy, we therefore find it important to keep attention on developing and offering knowledge. And on the connection between this knowledge. We do this through the networks in our centres of knowledge. Each centre of knowledge deals with a subject that is important to the police.
The Netherlands Policy Academy's centres of knowledge develop and collect knowledge to benefit both policing practice and police training. The foremost topics include local policing, criminal investigation, digitalisation, intelligence, technology and human conduct and the organisation. This knowledge allows us to help Police Officers and Netherlands Police Academy tutors to do their work.
The Netherlands Police Academy provides knowledge for police practice and police education. With this knowledge we help Police Officers, teachers and students of the Netherlands Police Academy in their work.
From developments within our Centres of Knowledge to new insights in research. You can read all the latest information and research from the Netherlands Police Academy.
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