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'Mirror pond has special significance for many people'

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This week is World Suicide Prevention Week. Last May, the Mirror Pond was opened on the grounds of the Netherlands Police Academy in Apeldoorn. A monument in remembrance of police colleagues who have died by suicide. Force command hopes that the Mirror Pond will help break the taboo on talking about suicide, from the very moment police recruits start their training. 

Geertje Spijkerman is adviser on suicide prevention within the police, and the person who took the initiative for the Mirror Pond. Various efforts have been made within the police to make the subject of suicide discussible among personnel.

Suicide prevention training specifically aimed at police personnel, for example. ‘We developed this training in collaboration with the 113 Suicide Prevention Foundation’, says Geertje. ‘The unit psychologists first offered this training to leaders in the police.

We now also offer this training to the Peer Support Teams. We are also in the process of offering it to the confidential advisers. Moreover, the care professionals of Occupational Health & Safety receive external suicide prevention training from 113.’

The mental aspect of police work is addressed in several ways in police education

Geertje: ‘It is important to embed the subject of suicide properly in education and training. The effect is two-fold: if you train students well in this subject, they will learn to take good care of themselves. But also of their colleagues.

This will make it easier to talk to your colleague if you think they are not doing well. And you will also learn what to do when you’re dealing with someone with suicidal thoughts in the street.’

Heartwarming responses

‘The responses from people who visit the Mirror Pond are heartwarming,’ says Geertje. ‘The memorial place had been a wish of many relatives and friends of people who died. We’ve heard that it’s regularly visited by students now, but also by police managers who follow training here.

I recently gave a tour to a group of people. They turned out to be from the fire brigade. They thought it was very interesting that the police have this memorial.

Some of the responses are very moving. The other day I saw a stone lying on the edge of the pond. With a note in a small plastic bag. I could tell from the handwriting that it had been written by a child. She put it there for her father. Something like that grabs you by the throat. The Mirror Pond has special significance for many people.’

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